Changing the Way Physical Therapy Is Taught & Practiced 

Contining Education & Professional Growth 


Physical Therapy Courses 






Virtual Learning 

Unable to attend our in person courses? Want to have the ability to go back and listen and watch the course again? Don't worry!We have taken our esteemed courses and brought them to you. The same great content you would get at the in person courses. Packed with tons of videos on each techniques and the variations as well as information packed slides.

Brandon & Jeremy do a great job tailoring each technique to what works for you, constantly modifying hand and body positions. The participant to instructor ratio is perfect! 

Dr. Christina Rodriguez PT, DPT,OCS, cert. MDT

Residency Trained, 

Director At HSS 

I really appreciate how this course was really hands on and the instructors were present throughout, and went over the techniques one on one. 

Jamie Parent

Student PT

Jeremy & Brandon do an awesome job focusing in on practicing manual therapy. They give you the most up-to-date research. I can't recommend their courses enough, this is my third course, and can't wait for the next one!

Dr. Justin Hanus PT,DPT

Residency Trained Physical Therapist 

I loved how much Brandon and Jeremy Teach with so much passion it really inspires you to be a better PT. They also make concepts and techniques extremely easy to understand, I highly recommend their courses 

Dr. Nicole Todisco PT, DPT 

Owner of Outside Movement Physical Therapy (OMPT)

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